Category Archives: Landscape

Panoramic Photo Experiment #2

With the storm front rolling through last night, I knew there would be a great opportunity for some nice cloud shots.  I went to a neighborhood nearby with a pond and setup for a panoramic shot of the clouds over the pond.  10 shots total to make up this panoramic.  A little post processing in photomatix pro and lightroom.  Here is the final piece.

(click image for full size)


December Reflections Part 2

On Sunday, I had taken a number of pictures to try to generate my first panoramic photo.  I was not sure how well it would turn out, but was pretty excited with the results.  All I can say is thank goodness for Photoshop!!  🙂

If you look closely, you will be able to see a couple of the pics from my original “December Reflections” Post in this one.

Let me know what you think!! 🙂

(click the picture for a larger version)


A Word a Week Photograph Challenge – Blue

When I think of the word “Blue”, what comes to mind the most is the Alaskan skyline, waters and glaciers. Absolutely Beautiful!!






